An R package for detecting annd measuring size of Arabidopsis rosettes.

Uses a Support Vector Machine to find the plant.

Visit the package’s website.


It is also recommended that you install the R package devtools. Just launch R and type:


Once you have devtools installed, you can install with:


Development version

Build Status codecov

For the development version, one must switch to the dev branch.

devtools::install_github("surh/RosetteDetector/", ref='dev')


The full list of dependencies is specified in the “Imports” and “Suggests” fields of the DESCRIPTION file.

R should automatically pull and install all the dependencies that are on CRAN. You can also manually install them with the base R function install.packages.

EBImage must be installed via bioconductor and you can find installation instructions that package’s website. Typically you would type the following in the R prompt:

## try http:// if https:// URLs are not supported


For a basic introduction to the usage. Please look at the basic pipeline vignette.

If you have already installed the package you can use the following command in the R prompt:

vignette('pipeline', package = 'RosetteDetector')

You can also find where the vignette was installed in your system by typing:

system.file("doc",package = "RosetteDetector", mustWork = TRUE)


For referencing please use the version doi.