This file describes a basic pipeline that goes from a picture of a 12-wel plate with individual plants on each well to basic size measurments of the plants. The steps are as follow:

  1. Find the color marks that indicate the plate position.
  2. Crop the plate into individual wells.
  3. Find the plant on each well
  4. Calculate hull area of each plant
  5. Makes some descriptive plots

Loading the data

The first thing to do is to load the RosetteDetector. We will also load the ggplot2 package that we will use later to make some descriptive plots. Then, we load the example1.jpeg image that is included with the RosetteDetector package:

## Loading required package: EBImage
## Loading required package: reshape2
## Loading required package: e1071
img_file <- system.file("images","example1.jpeg", package = "RosetteDetector", mustWork = TRUE)
img <- readImage(img_file)

We can now display the image. In this particular setup a 12-well plate (4 x 3) was used, and three colored stickers wer positioned in three of the plate vertices as can be seen below.


Finding the plate

Our strategy to find the plate is to use the three round colored stickers. Each one has a different color and was located in a known position, with the blue sticker in the top left position, the magenta sticker in the topright position, and the red sticker in the bottom right position.

We can find the position of those three stickers with the function find_three_stickers. This function takes a range of RGB values (specified as mininmum and maximum) for each position. For this image we can use the values below:

# Find rectangle
res <- find_three_stickers(img = img,
                    topleft.min = c(0.1, 0.25, 0.25), topleft.max = c(0.25, 0.3, 0.4),
                    topright.min = c(0.1, 0, 0.1), topright.max = c(0.2, 0.15, 0.3),
                    bottomleft.min = c(0.2, 0.1, 0.1), bottomleft.max = c(0.4, 0.2, 0.2))

The result of the previous command gives us the coordinates of each sticker, which corresponds to three of the vertices of the 12-well plate. We can use those 3 known vertices to find the fourth by using the function find_fourth_sticker. We can the use the function plot_platecrop to see where the three original stickers, and the final fourth position (labelled as a yellow circle) were identified.

res <- find_fourth_point(x = res)

## class       : RasterBrick 
## dimensions  : 648, 1042, 675216, 3  (nrow, ncol, ncell, nlayers)
## resolution  : 1, 1  (x, y)
## extent      : 0, 1042, 0, 648  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : +proj=merc +datum=WGS84 
## data source : in memory
## names       : layer.1, layer.2, layer.3 
## min values  :       0,       0,       0 
## max values  :     255,     255,     255

While the stickers are correctly identified, it is important to note that the stickers were not in exact corners of the plate. As such, the space defined by the four points does not encapsulate the whole region of the 12-well plate that interests us. We can use the adjust_rectangle function to increase the distance between the four points. The following command add 30 pixels (on both directions) on each of the short sides of the rectangle defined by the four points (note that technically it is a trapezoid, since we did not confirm that the triangle from the original three points was a right triangle). After that, we plot the newly adjusted points:

# Adjust coordinates of rectangle
res.adj <- adjust_rectangle(points = res, v = 30, h = 0)

## class       : RasterBrick 
## dimensions  : 648, 1042, 675216, 3  (nrow, ncol, ncell, nlayers)
## resolution  : 1, 1  (x, y)
## extent      : 0, 1042, 0, 648  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : +proj=merc +datum=WGS84 
## data source : in memory
## names       : layer.1, layer.2, layer.3 
## min values  :       0,       0,       0 
## max values  :     255,     255,     255

With this adjustment the four points now encapsulate all of the wells, so we can proceed to crop the image.

Crop plate

We can now crop the plate making an image that corresponds to each well. We first create a directory to save the output (one file per well), and then we use the function crop_plate to generate the files. In this case, we also set return.images = TRUE wich will return a list including an image object per well; for big images this can be very memory expensive and so it is not recommended, but it is fine in this example.

# Crop image
## Warning in dir.create("output"): 'output' ya existe
crop <- crop_plate(img,res.adj,prefix="output/example1.",
                   cols = 4, rows = 3,return.images = TRUE,
                   adjust.cell = 10)

We can then look at the individual well images, either by opening the files externally or, in this case, by displaying the objects we created


Find the plant on each well

Now we have split the original image into wells, we can find the plant on each. We can use a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classified to this job. An SVM requires a training set to learn how to distinguish a plant. You can use one of the pre-trained models in the package. Just load the mode with:


Then we can use the function wrapper_predictdir_9feat, which takes a directory of images, and finds the plant on each of them processively. Therefore, we pass the function the created output directory (which contains the output from cropping the image), and the previously loaded SVM model Finally, we also pass some directory names that will be used to store more output.

sizes <- wrapper_predictdir_9feat(img_dir = "output/",
                                  overlaydir = "overlay",
                                  maskdir = "mask",
                                  m1 = m1,
                                  size_threshold = 0)
## Warning in dir.create(overlaydir): 'overlay' ya existe
## Warning in dir.create(maskdir): 'mask' ya existe

The size_threshold = 0 option tells the underlying prediction function to keep all the plant-like pixels. We can set this paramter to a higher number which can be useful if some noise is being confused with a plant.

The output of the previous command is a table with the filenames read, and the size of the plant in the corresponding file. The size is expressed in pixels, but we can use the sticker size to normalize the size and use that to compare across different images. We also do some formatting and print the table:

row.names(sizes) <- NULL
sizes$Normalized.size <- sizes$npixels / res.adj$size
##                               file npixels Normalized.size
## 1  output//example1.col1.row1.jpeg       0      0.00000000
## 2  output//example1.col1.row2.jpeg       0      0.00000000
## 3  output//example1.col1.row3.jpeg       0      0.00000000
## 4  output//example1.col2.row1.jpeg     956      0.64075067
## 5  output//example1.col2.row2.jpeg    1473      0.98726542
## 6  output//example1.col2.row3.jpeg    2914      1.95308311
## 7  output//example1.col3.row1.jpeg    3587      2.40415550
## 8  output//example1.col3.row2.jpeg     579      0.38806971
## 9  output//example1.col3.row3.jpeg    3370      2.25871314
## 10 output//example1.col4.row1.jpeg    1525      1.02211796
## 11 output//example1.col4.row2.jpeg      90      0.06032172
## 12 output//example1.col4.row3.jpeg    1997      1.33847185

You can look at the overlay and mask directories created by the prediction function. It will have one picture for every processed image, one indicating the outline of the plant, and the other containing a mask that can be used to extract further information

Calculate hull area

One of the simplest features to extract is the convex hull area. The convex hull is the smallest possible convex polygon that encapsulates a shape (in this case the plant); its area is normally a more stable feature than the rosette area. We can use the function hull_area_from_mask to calculate it. We iterate through all the files in the mask directory created in the previous section, and append the results to the sizes table. We also normalize the values according to the size of the stickers in the original plate image:

# Calculate hull area from file
maskdir <- "mask/"
sizes$Hull.area <- NULL
for(i in 1:nrow(sizes)){
  file <- as.character(sizes$file[i])
  file <- paste(maskdir,"/",basename(file),sep = "")
  mask <- readImage(file)
  sizes$Hull.area[i] <- hull_area_from_masks(mask)
## mask//example1.col1.row1.jpeg 
## mask//example1.col1.row2.jpeg 
## mask//example1.col1.row3.jpeg 
## mask//example1.col2.row1.jpeg 
## mask//example1.col2.row2.jpeg 
## mask//example1.col2.row3.jpeg 
## mask//example1.col3.row1.jpeg 
## mask//example1.col3.row2.jpeg 
## mask//example1.col3.row3.jpeg 
## mask//example1.col4.row1.jpeg 
## mask//example1.col4.row2.jpeg 
## mask//example1.col4.row3.jpeg
sizes$Normalized.hull.area <- sizes$Hull.area / res$size
##                               file npixels Normalized.size Hull.area
## 1  output//example1.col1.row1.jpeg       0      0.00000000       0.0
## 2  output//example1.col1.row2.jpeg       0      0.00000000       0.0
## 3  output//example1.col1.row3.jpeg       0      0.00000000       0.0
## 4  output//example1.col2.row1.jpeg     956      0.64075067    1752.5
## 5  output//example1.col2.row2.jpeg    1473      0.98726542    3131.5
## 6  output//example1.col2.row3.jpeg    2914      1.95308311    5903.5
## 7  output//example1.col3.row1.jpeg    3587      2.40415550    6649.5
## 8  output//example1.col3.row2.jpeg     579      0.38806971     950.0
## 9  output//example1.col3.row3.jpeg    3370      2.25871314    5803.0
## 10 output//example1.col4.row1.jpeg    1525      1.02211796    3393.5
## 11 output//example1.col4.row2.jpeg      90      0.06032172     206.5
## 12 output//example1.col4.row3.jpeg    1997      1.33847185    3806.0
##    Normalized.hull.area
## 1             0.0000000
## 2             0.0000000
## 3             0.0000000
## 4             1.1745979
## 5             2.0988606
## 6             3.9567694
## 7             4.4567694
## 8             0.6367292
## 9             3.8894102
## 10            2.2744638
## 11            0.1384048
## 12            2.5509383

Descriptive plots

Finally, we can perform some plots of the plant sizes we identified. We first append some metadata information to the different wells.

# Some manual plot
sizes$Type <- c(rep("dead",3),rep("+Bacteria",6),rep("No Bacteria",3))

Then we use ggplot2 to compare the rosette area, and its hull area. They are quite consistent, so we plot the hull area only as a function of the sample type.

p1 <- ggplot(sizes,aes(x = Normalized.hull.area, y = Normalized.size, col = Type)) +
  geom_point(size = 3) + 
  theme(panel.background = element_blank(),
        axis.text = element_text(color = "black"),
        axis.title = element_text(color = "black", face = "bold"),
        panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", fill = NA, size = 2))

p2 <- ggplot(sizes,aes(x = Type, y = Normalized.hull.area, col = Type)) +
  geom_point(size = 3) +
  theme(panel.background = element_blank(),
        axis.text.y = element_text(color = "black"),
        axis.text.x = element_blank(),
        axis.title = element_text(color = "black", face = "bold"),
        panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", fill = NA, size = 2))